
Greek Neo – Nazi Golden Dawn party Blasts Holocaust Remembrance as «Unacepttable»

| 18 febrero, 2013

The Greek neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party has questioned the country marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, calling it “unacceptable.” In a question posed in the Greek Parliament last week, Golden Dawn lawmaker Ioannis Lagos asked the Education and Interior ministers why state institutions and schools where commemorating Jan. 27th. “We have received complaints that on this […]

Bulgarian far-right groups stage torch procession in downtown Sofia

| 16 febrero, 2013

16/02/2013 Sofia. Hundreds of Bulgarians have marched through downtown Sofia carrying torches and chanting nationalist slogans despite protests by human rights groups. Saturday’s march was organized by the far-right Bulgarian National Union to honour the memory of Hristo Lukov, a World War II general known for his anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi activities. The march, attended by […]

Amanecer Dorado establece red de médicos neonazis en Grecia

| 14 febrero, 2013

El partido neonazi Amanecer Dorado aprovechó el deterioro que ha sufrido el sistema sanitario de Grecia para crear la red «Médicos con Fronteras», que ofrece asistencia exclusivamente a griegos de pura raza. Los recortes presupuestarios y cinco años consecutivos de recesión han llevado a una crisis en la red de cobertura sanitaria, lo que ha […]


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